Palace of Patan - N°322

265,00 kr

incl. VAT plus shipping 6.625,00 kr/kg
incl. VAT

265 kr

6.625 kr/kg
Snap peasLilacBrown sugar
Select Variant: Caddy - 40g brews 20 cups


Currently not available

Patan, the "city of beauty", has held irresistible allure for those seeking a more serene Nepal experience. Much like its namesake, this green tea offers a mellow yet sophisticated take on its Himalayan terroir: spring-fresh florals, a buttery brioche-like mouthfeel, and airy finish.


Organic green tea

Nepalese green tea* (*certified organic)

Quantity Temperature Time
3 tsp / 250 ml 80.0° C 1 infusion 2 min.
2 infusion 2 min.

Tasting Notes

snap peas, lilac, brown sugar


Nepalese green tea* (*certified organic)


Quantity Temperature Time
1 ½ tsp / 250 ml 80° C 1 infusion 2 ½ min.
2 infusion 3 min.

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